What Shall I Do Before getting semi-permanent makeup treatment?
How to Prepare for Your Semi-Permanent Makeup Treatment
General Pre-Treatment Advice
Before getting semi-permanent makeup, it’s important to think about the look you want to achieve. While we will guide you in selecting the right colors and styles, you’ll play an active role in making the final decision.
Most semi-permanent makeup procedures require multiple sessions. To ensure the best results, you may need a complimentary touch-up 4 to 6 weeks after your initial treatment.
Right after the procedure, expect the color to look darker and more intense. Don’t worry—this will fade and soften as your skin heals over the next few days. You can return to work or your daily routine the day after the procedure.
General Pre-Treatment Advice:
Swelling or redness may occur in sensitive areas like the eyelids after eyeliner tattooing, so avoid scheduling social plans on the day of your enhancement.
Wear your regular makeup to the appointment, but be ready to have it removed in the treated area.
Do not take aspirin or anti-inflammatory medications like Ibuprofen 2 days before your appointment.
Do not stop taking any prescribed medications without consulting your doctor.
Do not drink alcohol for 2 days before your procedure.
Do not use Retin-A and AHA skincare products near the treatment area for 6 weeks before the procedure.
Steer clear of professional chemical peels near the procedure area for 6 weeks.
Remember, the National Blood Service won’t accept blood donations for 4 months following semi-permanent makeup treatments.
Pre-Care for Eyebrow Tattooing
Waxing or threading should be done 2 weeks before.
IPL laser hair removal should be scheduled at least 2 weeks prior.
Electrolysis should be done at least 2 weeks before your procedure.
Eyebrow tinting should be done no less than 2 weeks before.
Avoid eyebrow growth serums for 4 weeks prior.
If you’re planning Botox near the brow area, schedule it at least 2 weeks before your treatment.
Pre-Care for Eyeliner Tattooing
Avoid eyelash tinting or perming for at least 2 weeks before.
Stop using eyelash growth serums 6 weeks prior.
Remove artificial lashes 1 week before and avoid reapplying them for 2 weeks after your procedure.
Do not wear contact lenses during the procedure. Bring your glasses instead and wait 24 hours before resuming contact lens use.
Mild swelling may occur, so it’s a good idea to have someone drive you home.
Pre-Care for Lip Tattooing
If you have a history of cold sores, you may use anti-herpes medication like Zovirax, 1 week before and continuing 1 week after your lip tattoo. This can reduce the risk of an outbreak by 50%. Consult your GP for recommendation.
IPL laser hair removal, waxing, and bleaching around the lips should be done at least 2 weeks before your treatment.
Schedule electrolysis 2 weeks before.
If you plan to have dermal fillers, have them at least 4 weeks before or after your lip blush..